Friday, April 28, 2006
Ok what is done is already done.. No matter whose fault, and no matter what they will do, i cant do anything.. Hai.. Wu nai ah..
This what i got in my email sending to the lecturer.. See exam is about luck.. So the person should just blame it on his bad luck..
This is an open book exam, if there is a question that will require you a long answer that the answers are found in the text book, wouldn't you just copy the answer and write it in??? I thought its just natural.. And what plagarisim.. What the hell......
And for midterm almost everyone copy from the pc1431 notes also what.. Why isnt anything said about that... Isnt it about the same??
I'm so angry cos if its really like that, i will die for 2 questions... Although i never copy exactly, but due to my poor english, i dont trust how i phrase the question and I surely did copy more than 10% lor..
The thing is that there are no exam rules that say for open book exam you cannot write the same thing as what was given in the notes what.. THIS IS AN OPEN BOOK EXAM!!
Ok, i'm v biased, but i dont care.. Argghhh..
And the fact that we know that these question appear and went to look for the solutions suggest that we are hardworking what..
But whose fault is these.. Its the lecturer's lor.. Dun even bother to come up with new questions.. All other modules can come up with new questions and they wouldnt face the problem...
I'm damn kao bei, but i dont care.. I am angry...
(Regarding the CM1502 exam on 25th April 2006, we found that most questions are very similar to past year exam questions.
We now see why the solutions to the past year examination questions are not posted in IVLE. However, we were given PAST YEAR EXAM QUESTIONS AND SOLUTIONS 3 YEAR-SERIES for all the core modules during 05/06 orientation. Sadly, those who possess this booklet just simply "copy and paste" answers to the examination paper. If you find that most students are doing that, you can be sure those without this booklet are at a very SERIOUS disadvantage.
I have to say that this is an unfair practice. It's plagiarism. Please imagine marking the same answers in terms of sentence structure and word usage of more than half of the cohort. If you have any issues arising from this problem, you can compare the answers of most students to the ones in the PAST YEAR EXAM QUESTIONS AND SOLUTIONS 3 YEAR SERIES.
In view of this, the examination is a very ineffective means judging a student's understanding, hardwork and academic abilities. Please take serious action on those who copied directly. You may use the NUS plagiarism act as a guideline which states a duplication of more than 10%. This is to compromise on those who did not copy and ensure fairness among all the students.
I leave to you and the tutors to act on this.
Thank you.)
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Can you imagine!! there is this word.. Lol..
Lol.. Try to pronounce it.. Haha.. it is a noun and means worthless kinda of thing.. lol.. Haha.. so funny..
Btw this is quite funny website too.. Its the SINGAPORE PARKING IDIOTS.. lol.. check if you are there..
haha.. How singapore drivers anyhow park their cars.. Some is really funny.. For example, some park like all the way in and some all the way out.. Lol.. And there are those who park like in a "parking lot" that are supposed to be the walkway for the usage of ramp for the handicaps who park on the handicap parking lot beside it..Lol.. the space is like so small and yet the mercedes can squeeze in.. lol..
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
I'm craving for kit kat... hurhur.. Bleah... All because i ate one yesterday from his brother, i'm craving for more.. Hurhur.. Bleah.. Aiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, argggggggggghhhhhhhhh..
I think the lecturers are kinda of crazy.. Though they are nice people but how can they expect us to come out with programs for like so many questions within 2 hours.. I was like merely writing furiously without really understanding the logic behind my program lor.. Which is like -_-"" for sure the program cant work kinda of thing.. But i'm so proud i know how to solve the switch statement.. Which means 8 marks.. Lol.. =p
Saturday, April 22, 2006
I find exams not a quite a good gauge of whether a person do knows what has been taught.. There are so many factors in exams that will affect the results..
1) people cheating
2) luck
3) whether the question is clear enough
4) bla bla bla (a lot a lot more) lazy to list.. tired..
but then hai, it seems to be the only way that things can be done.. Bleah...
I think many many many people will already with me.. Actually the most important factor that is needed in the exam besides the good grasp of the subject is really your luck.. Without luck, sometime things just dont go the way it should..
Saying this cos i just looked at the solution for my Practical exam.. =p But its true..
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I wonder how jasmine can discipline herself to train everyday.. Hmm.. I think she deserve to be fast giving the amount of training she is doing.. I kind of admire how she trains.. Surely I dont have the discipline to train as hard..
The thing about this is that I hope my life wont revolved too much on canoeing.. But i do want canoeing to be a part of my life.. Ermm but if i dont train a lot a lot then my boat wont be fast.. So contradicting..
About training everyday twice a day during the holiday: The idea seems quite fresh and quite fun.. But that means i cant work during the holidays.. That also means i got no money to spend.. Cant like hou zhe lian pi ask mummy for pocket money what.. Holiday suppose to work to support myself.. Then how? Sobs...
That also means that my life will be centered around canoeing?? I dont like that idea.. during academic term, canoeing and studies already takes up like almost all of my time.. then during holidays am I going to let canoeing take up almost all my time too?? Arghh i dont want it like that.. HOW TO BALANCE???? Hur hur..
chuan dao qiao tao zhi ran zhi la.. See how la..
I feel so slack.. Cant bring myself to sit there and study without moving.. I will just move around and waste a lot of time, so irritating.. arghhh.. Somemore feel so lazy to go for training and scared that if i go, i wont have the mood to study anymore.. Just like yesterday.. Wasted almost the whole day, dunno doing what.. Arghh..
Ok, lets predict whats going to happen for exams, Chemistry in space, physical chemistry and english should be fine. Maths will depend on how much practice i get.. The impression of maths is that they try to cover a lot a lot of stuff during the course.. And when i look at the question i will have, oh use this formula lor kinda of feeling.. The concept is correct, but usually i cant work out to the answer.. Mistakes there and there.. Just feel that I wasnt careful enough and isnt familiar with how the formula work enough to avoid the mistakes.. Hai.. Looking at the amount of past year paper that i have left with solutions provided and the number of mistakes i am still making, its quite disheartening..
Programming is another arghh.. I really dunno what i will get for that course.. its like handwritten, you dont even know if what you have written is workable not.. and thus you wont be able to debug if its wrong.. I just hope they give like small small questions instead of one very big question that has like 50 marks on it. Then if you cant start, you will die for the paper..
For CN i do not have any hope for it.. Ermm, just hope that the 4 days for me to study will help a bit.. Hai.. Hope the grade will still be decent and not like super low.. bleah..
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Exams is coming soon.. Having my first and second paper on the first day.. Wa.. meng lei.. Bleah.. I hate exams man.. But i finally catch my on my cn tutorials and now lag by only one tutorial.. But how proud should I be about that.. It's like I still dont understand the concept lor.. And now, I'm using the time that i know i would be able to study anything to train.. Arghh.. Now only looking forward to tuesday where I can go out for half a day... Yay.. Yay.. Heehee.. But before that, must really mug loh..
Dear in his new vocation seems quite tough.. Quite tough meaning it might too slack for him.. Dont think he is the kind who enjoys slacking so much.. Hmm.. Finding stuff to do when there is nothing to do is really a argghhhhh.. And one year in it will be like &(&(^%%&^$#^%*.. Lol.. Jia you.. One year will pass soon just like i almost completed uni year one.. =p
Going for training now.. But oh no.. I just hear thunder.. why am i so shuai... aiyo.. going to bring notes there just in case it rains then.. Sian..
Monday, April 10, 2006
been blogging quite little recently.. Cos i dont get to use the comp often and i'm quite busy with stuff.. Yup.. Just came back from land training.. This is my first time I go for monday land training cos previously I always have chem in space lectures for 6-8.. And the program is like running followed by gym..
3x1.2.. intensity: hard.. Actually it sounds quite ok, but i wasnt.. Didnt realise that my running became so lousy.. arghhhh...
My sore throat is recovering but fever seems to be setting in.. And jasmine says I look pale... Oh no.. Am i going to die.. Lol.. So drama.. *cough cough* Just feel very lethagic.. Like yesterday was supposed to pei him, but then ended up sleeping on his laps..
Oh no, once i'm lethagic, I will be like damn blur lor.. Sianz... Hope things will be better cos PE is coming..
Got so many things i want to do, but got to wait for *cough cough* the exams to be over.. -_-"" Which is like still long before all i'm done with all the papers.. Rahhhhhhhh...
So many things I wanna buy too.. AHHHHHHH.. But I cant work in the holidays I guess.. Got to train.. Got to improve on my fitness I guess.. My boat arent moving fast.. Hurhur.. And obviously its due to my poor fitness.. Hur hur.. But see how la.... Bleahzzzz... *cough cough*
I hate getting sick.. Arghhhhhh...
Friday, April 07, 2006
There are so many aspects of life..
Sometimes you sacrifice one aspect for another, but other times you got to sacrifice other aspect to compensate..
I thought its a natural thing to remain quiet and reflect through what you have done when someone told you that you have done something wrong.. I'm not the kind of person who do not care about what other people comment on me, and continue as if there is nothing wrong when someone said I did something wrong..
Hmm, maybe its just because I like to think through stuff.. For example, given a joke or something I wouldnt laughed until my brain told me to.. =p quite ridiculous right.. But I think i'm that kinda of person.
So when people tell me that I'm wrong, instead of immediately protecting myself and defend that I'm not wrong, I will think about it to see if what the person says is true..
Isnt that a wise action??
Thursday, April 06, 2006
watching webcast while typing this blog.. Just came back from training.. Sleepy ye... But ben so nice today, I rode his wash for like 8 k lor.. So nice right.. Lol.. But he wants to slack also what.. I'm like how slow la.. Lol..
Tired.. tired.. Sleepy.. Still so many things to do.. The pairing for women's cham is kinda of a headache man.. Just too many things to consider and what should be the goal?? individual medals or team medals???
Lucky got hersey kisses to sustain me.. Lol.. And he is going to make tangyuan for me on saturday.. But felt quite bad cos i causes him miss his class gathering.. Actually i can go over on sunday instead and i suggested but he says never mind.. then never mind lor, good for me what.. lol.. yay..
but class gathering is like so rare, miss already got to wait very long for another one.. like my class, so long never see them liao.. I miss oiwing..
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Yesterday slept at like 9 plus lor.. Cannot make it liao.. Got terrible headache.. Skipped my dinner even.. Oh no.. I dont wanna be sick.. But I'm feeling better now, except for my throat and my running nose.. Bleah..
Got a dream last night.. Dreamt that I got a new house whereby there are separate rooms for everyone and me and my sis have our individual computers and televisions too.. This is the dunno how many times I dreamt that I moved to a much bigger house.. BUT its still a dream.. But at least I dreamt about it.. lol..
Monday, April 03, 2006
I just pealed off the layer what i think is the final layer of the infected skin.. YAY.. All thanks to huiling who ask me to go and buy salicylic acid.. THANKS HUILING..
Maths is getting easier for once.. Luckily the last topic is quite easy.. Not like the double and triple intergral.. Make my brain go full of curves which I cant really imagine.. Argghhhh.. Dont even wanna think of it..
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Watching campus superstar now.. The four students are really not bad.. Really really.. Hmm.. But then when Zhang Dong Liang as singing on stage, I realised some stark contrast.. Think though the students are very good already, they got much much room for improvement if they wanna be a superstar..
Exam is coming le.. Hur hur.. CN die liao.. I'm like 5 tutorials behind.. I hope the other modules can make it.. Hur hur.. Dunno my ctw how, my english is like how lousy la.. And I'm still watching the campus superstar!!! I dunno what i am doing man.. But I haven watch tv for so long.. Hmmm... I think I will reduce my number of training when exam draw nearer.. But then my rowing is like how slow la.. HOW???
I got to train super super hard during the holidays le.. I hope I can, cos whenever my life revolve too much around training, I feel quite sian... =p