Thursday, June 29, 2006
Waaaaaaaaaa.. I'm super bored.. Not that I dont have stuff to do.. Its just that I dont feel like doing it.. My life now is only him, canoeing and slack.. Bleahhh.. When there he is inside and there is no training, the boredness is can die one lor.. Bleahhh.. SIANZ..
Canoeing isnt smooth sailing too.. People threatening to leave and people who dont think of the bigger picture for the lineup.. I CANNOT PLEASE EVERYBODY!!!!!! I'm not sure if they are just selfish or what, but why cant they just try.. It's not that they will die right.. And is winning for themselves that important?? I thought what matter more is that the team can win.. Or maybe I am wrong?? I'm already very frustrated, and everyone is trying to come up with a lineup for me, but they dont work out in some way or another..
And in the National team side, I kinda of pity nio.. She seems to be like not here not there cos she doesnt have a partner.. and the coach doesnt seem to have anything decided.. I would want to help her and partner her, but National team to me is really kinda of a NO NO.. (and not like I am fast, I am like a few boays away from nio for sprints lor) Probably if the national team was like the present one now when i joined with sofia a few years ago, i would have just stayed.. Now that I have left and have found other stuff that i will be more happy to commit myself to, I dont think i will consider joining National team anymore.. Furthermore, I am happy with the NUS team and have responsibilities there.. But if they can give me a bit lesser problems, i will be much more happier.. lol =p
Havent catch any soccer match since world cup started.. hurhur.. I think its mainly cos my house no scv and there is no one that i can watch with.. Want to catch the argentina and germany match man.. And england and portugal would be exciting too.. Hai..
Tried k2 with nio and xiaohui recently.. Surprisingly and amazingly our ak k2 feels comfortable.. Kinda of amused.. haha.. Because of this, i started thinking of the k2 pairing for NCC again.. But come to think of it, though the k2 with nio and xiaohui is more stable, more glide, and most probably faster etc, doing with py ong seems to be more satisfying.. I think its cos me and py ong started from scratch and have come thus far.. I am very reluctant to give up this pairing cos i know we have yet to achieve the most out of this pair.. That is why I'm kinda of upset when py ong actually wanted to leave us and that our pair might be split.. Cos i just feel like staying with it, and continue working it and achieve much greater heights together.. Have been partners with her since i joined the team and its like a micro-team between both of us already.. Am so happy that she is beginning to master the raptor.. =D
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Actually i realise that a lot of what we have done are actually influenced by each other.. Such influence can be seen from our daily speech.. E.g. the canoeist..
for instance
1) Kana Sai
2) Steady liao
3) Bu Xing le
4) Then how
5) Na Bei
6) Macham *******
7) Hurhur
Contributed by
1) PY Ong
2) Daisy's husband
3) Daisy's husband
4) Jasmine
5) Ben?? Jian sheng?? I dunno.. apparently its widespread even before i join the team..
6) Xiao Hui
7) Xiao Hui
Short of time now.. Got to go training if not i will be late.. Will think of more instances.. Lol..
Haven been out to shop for damn long.. Went MS yesterday.. Oh man.. So fun.. The thing about shopping is that if you go too often, it becomes like so boring.. But once in a while, its so fun.. Haha.. Though ended up eating most of the time, macs then carls junior then ben and jerry.. Wuhaha.. =p i keep getting hungry lei.. =p but ben and jerry is damn nice.. Think its the nicest ice-cream i have ever eaten.. Yup.. Think you guys should go and try.. Though its kinda of ex, but then its still damn nice.. haha..
Hey this is my new clip.. I have given up on cheapo clips and decided to get this.. Lol.. Though this is not v expensive though.. But i hope it wont rust and the paint wont drop off like the cheapo clips that i use.
Nice right??

Monday, June 05, 2006
Waaaaa too long never blogged, i even forgot my id to blogspot already.. Tried like 10 times then get it.. Lol..
But then i still got nothing much to say.. Life is just training training and training.. Dont even go out often.. Tiring lei, when i have time i just feel like nuaing away.. Haha.. Missed the chalet nuaing.. Maybe we should have another one.. Lol.. =p
Nio asked me to do k2 with her for the national team time trial, but i dont wanna join national team.. So i i dont feel like going, but doing k2 with nio seems quite fun.. Lol.. I dont mind going there to play play but then I think it will have consequences though.. Bleah..
Anyway, i just realised actually quite a lot of people read my blog.. But the weird thing is i never told anyone that I have a blog.. Must be the penguin la.. Add a link on her blog to tell the whole world that i have a blog.. Lol.. Just a guess.. But people who dunno penguin also knows i have a blog.. Hmm.. So its not only her.. Hurhur..
Recently people are messaging me at like 12 plus and 1 plus and even later.. Hmm, just wanna say that you shouldnt have high hopes that i wil reply.. Cos there is a 95% chance that i will have slept already.. I thought its quite well known that i'm an early sleeper.. Got any question concerning training after 12, you can try to message my dearest vice captain - penguin, she has a 95% chance of being awake.. Lol.. =p