Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Went to mountbatten fish to celebrate nio's birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIO It's exactly like fish and cool lor.. Even how they serve, the fish drops out of its skin when i try to eat it and the fish tastes the same.. Hmmmmm.. Coach wanted to come but then i guess he losts he way and didnt bring his phone with him so he went back home.. I felt damn sorry for him lor.. Hurhur.. =( I heard he is quite ethu about it and he travelled like all the way to ps to return to his home because he cant find us.. Hurhur so poor thing.. =(
During dinner they were like discussing about the Vo2 max test and somehow we talked about the heart rate.. I knew mine was like super high but nobody believe until they decided to take my heart rate.. Its like a freaking 92-100 lor.. hurhur.. =( why like that.. maybe my heart got problem... i must better take care man... I dont wanna follow suit of my dad and grand dad.. But how.. I really exercise regularly.. okok maybe i should stop taking egg yolk, seafood, etc etc to do with the cholestrol.. hurhur..
Some fast heart rates are appropriate. For instance, if you are being chased, your body has a need for more oxygen; therefore, it is necessary for your heart rate to rise to meet this demand. This is called sinus tachycardia—a normal response and a normal rhythm. Other high heart rates occur because there is a problem with the heart or its conduction system (the part of the heart that generates electricity and allows the electricity to travel down the heart muscle, causing it to beat).
BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... something is wrong with me.. I have been very sleepy around even though i think i had enough sleep.. I slept for like 9 hours but woke up to feel like a zombie still.. What is wrong man.. hurhur..
this sounds like a damn sad entry.. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...