Saturday, March 31, 2007
I want to buy laptop..............
Hurhur always got to fight with jiejie to use the computer.. so sian...
And the laptop offers in school are really very attractive....
Hmmmmm....... but if i wanna new laptop, i got to work in the 3 months holiday to earn money... Bleah.. But i wanna train plus slack...
Bleahhhh..... HOW?????
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Haha.. two photos taken during my lectures.. Found it quite comical.. hahah.. look at the faces behind us, trying to get into the frames.. lol.. =D

Hurhur I look weird with the spects.. I think cos its not multicoated.. bleah.. one of the few pictures that i took with the spects on lei..

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I dunno why am i blogging when i'm so tight for time.. But apparently, i'm wasting time, cos i really dont feel like studying...
screwed up another of my mid-term again.. boohooo!!! I thought i grasp the concepts quite well.. I guess my maths just sucks..
EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee i'm in a slightly annoyed mood now.. cos i know i should be studying but i'm not.. i should give myself a punch..
Running slight fever now.. Boohooooo.. but its long since i'm last sick.. hurhur.. maybe its good to be sick once in a while.. But not now..
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Boohooooooooooo.. So frustrated just by doing an genes and society essay.. So many ideas but I cant pen it down. and what I wrote doesnt seem tally with what I intended to mean.. Each paragraph is taking forever la.. and i doubt the reader actually will interpret what i wrote the same way as i intended them to........
BOOOHOOOO... I am sad..
Ok i took like 15 mins to write this statement:
"The morals establishment of humans is challenged in such a way that one cannot decide if a practice is considered moral before a new controversial scientific practice is discovered."
What i intended to mean is that because of the rapid scientific advances, for example genetic modified food, genetic testing, designers babies, euthanasia,stem cell research etc, each of these has a wide range of moral and ethical issues. However before we can decide if one method is morally right or wrong, another controversial scientific procedure will be developed.
But i showed it to ziyang and he thought i meant this:
"in other words, you are trying to say that we alone cannot decide what is morally correct and incorrect unless there is a more scientific way of doing things the unconventional way, and hence, it is challenging"
BOOHOOOOO... I tried my best.. hurhur.. ROAR!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
i dunno why but i'm just attracted to this song.. haha.. But its too rock to put on my blog..
The world -Nightmare
Hirogaru yami no naka Kawashiatta Kakumei no chigiri
Aishita yue ni mebaeta aku no hana
Kore kara saki otozureru de arou subete o
Dare ni mo jamasaseru wake ni wa ikanai kara
Kajitsu ga tsugeta mirai
Risei o wasureta machi
Kuroku yuganda ima o
Yume, risou ni kaeru
Doushite? Boku wa kowareta meshia?
Dare mo ga nozonda “owari” o…
Hirogaru yami no naka Kawashiatta Kakumei no chigiri
Aishita yue ni mebaeta aku no hana
Kore kara saki otozureru de arou subete o
Dare ni mo jamasaseru wake ni wa ikanai
Itsuka boku ga misete ageru Hikarikagayaku sora o
Doushite? Boku wa kowareta meshia?
Dare mo ga yumemita “rakuen” o…
Hirogaru yami no naka Kawashiatta Kakumei no chigiri
Aishita yue ni mebaeta aku no hana
Kore kara saki otozureru de arou subete o
Dare ni mo jamasaseru wake ni wa ikanai
Itsuka boku ga misete ageru Hikarikagayaku sekai o
But dunno what it means.. hahahaha.. but its nice..
In Kanji
広がる闇の中 交わし合った 革命の契り
どうして? 僕は壊れた救世主?
広がる闇の中 交わし合った 革命の契り
いつか僕が見せてあげる 光り輝く空を
どうして? 僕は壊れた救世主?
広がる闇の中 交わし合った 革命の契り
いつか僕が見せてあげる 光り輝く空を
Decided to remove the music from my blog.. Found it irritating.. actually just wanted to change a music, but couldnt find any that i like at all..
I think I am weird, when i have time to do stuff, I am like slacking all around.. But when i dont have time to do stuff, I do much more stuff than I expect myself of doing..
I wasted my wednesday AGAIN!!!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
BooHooooooooooooooooooooo... Thumbs down for SBS.. I think SBS needs some competition so that they will wanna provide a better service..
Ok, I think a lot of people will have experience waiting v v v v long for a bus but still fails to come.. e.g i waited once for 50mins for 151, waited today for a feeder 142 for a freaking 25mins and never come.. Many many more instances lor.. Not mentioning the lousy attitude of some drivers and the leaking of buses of MANY sbs buses.. There was a time when it was raining and i took a non-aircon 151 that came from the terminal.. Apparently the drivers didnt close all the windows and all the seats were wet.. -_-"
And I intended to go to school today.. But cos of the stupid bus which came super late and I doubt I can squeezed up if when it came, I decided to webcast... Boohoooo.. I dont like webcasting.. Lousy start of the day!!!