Sunday, April 29, 2007
Exams have yet to end.. But i'm already not in exams mood already.. I got so bored of studying that i decided to go out yesterday to buy my sis's present.. Her birthday is coming.. So i did nothing yesterday.. Wuhahaha.. I think I am courting death..
Guess what, I saw a very nice bag that i wanted to buy, but they got no more stock.. How lucky lor.. the one on display has stain on it so i refuse to buy.. Hurhur.. =(
In the end, I ended up with a plushie for myself.. Hahaha.. But i didnt pay for it.. =p lol... Have been wanting this plushie for quite long.. ITS VERY COMFORTABLE TO HUG, but its quite ex, so i didnt buy it before.. I think it was bought yesterday cos i wasnt thinking.. Lol.. Its 40bucks! hurhur.. bleah...
Now i got so many soft toys at home, i cannot decide which to hug to sleep.. Lol..

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Mou shi zai ren cheng shi zai tian ahhhhhhhh..
I dunno how come certain questions didnt occur to me how to do it during exams... Hai.. I think I did studied hard enough.. Should just accept what happen.. Hurhur..
This semester is so much worse than the previous ones.. I have no idea why, it just feels so.. Even when I skipped the entire lecture series for one module, meaning I seem to be only studying for 5 modules, I is worse than the 6 modules last semester..
Gross.. This semester is just gross..
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Enpingy is damn smart lor!!! I took 2 hours to understand the solutions to one question, he took like 2 mins lor.. Hurhur... I'm dumb..
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
So disappointing..
Friday, April 13, 2007
I was eating lunch today with enpingy, shiyao and daryl today.. Its kinda of amaze me the topics that they talk about.. lol.. They take about the way guys use toilets and how they are suppose to flush the urinal with their legs and not their hands.. hurhur.. and how some people dont wash their hand after they finish their business..
Daryl even warned me about guys whose hands are dry when they exit from the toilet.. hurhur.. firstly, i dunno why they are talking about this, and secondly why are they talking about this in front of a girl..
hurhur.. But it kinda of amuzes me..
Is it funny to read someone's blog that you dont even know?? Hmmmm.. Actually I did that once
.. There was a time that i was surfing the net for information and I came across this person by the name of peishan. Then I realised that she is the same age as me and has the same birth date (but not the same month though). I guess I was too free then, somehow the blog caught my interest and I read it, and followed up with it.. hahaha.. But I stopped following it after i got busy and i forgot all about it until the conversion with the three guys. Cos daryl just realised that someone that he didnt know at all was reading his blog and he found it scary..
Hmmmmm.. I wonder if the girl will be scared if she knows i'm doing the same to her.. haha.. But the amazing thing is that, there was once at jurong point, I saw a girl that i found very very familiar and i finally realised that it is the girl whose blog i read (she got photos of herself in the blog). I think she will be freaked out if i go up to her and call her by name and tell her that I kinda of know that her boyfriend name, her good friends names and what she likes to do kinda of things (now i dont remember much la) maybe i should introduce myself as a fortune teller and predict things for her.. lol.. I confirm will freak out if someone does this to me lor..
OH NO!! i slacked the whole day off again..
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

One of my worst cramps ever.. Boohooooo..
Saturday, April 07, 2007
I have been practically slacking for two whole days.. Oh nooo!!!
L died.. Hurhur.. Not nice already..
Another semester coming to the end.. So fast.. I am getting old so fast.. Boohooooo...
Exams are coming.. I dont like to study for exams.. So stressful.. Sometimes, people complain that there are no time to finish studying then I will start thinking.. No time is good what.. The shorter the time, the less I have to study.. The less painful it is.. Hurhur.. How naive.. Bleah.. The fact is no matter if got time, you will still have to study the same amount.. No time = more intense pain.. More time = pain over a longer period of time.. Bleah....
I heard this over a tv serial that I happen to watch. I think it expresses how I feel. "Mou shi zai ren, chen shi zai tian." I think competitions and exams are like that.. So we shouldnt be too bothered about the results of whatever we try to achieve. Work hard can already.. =)
Thursday, April 05, 2007
EVERYTHING IS GOING DOWNHILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel uselesssss..
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Yay.. I got a new wallet..

Haha.. so nice... wo bu she de yong.. lol... compared to my ugly wallet, this is like how much nicer.. =p lol..
But you know what, when i'm shopping for it, i saw my ugly wallet still on shelf. It's like 3 years old le la...hurhur and its still $120.. Most prob its still there cos nobody wants to buy.. lol.. =p