Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I am depressed.. Feeling unjustified..
Yi bo wei ping, yo bo you qi..
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Went for the usual wednesday running session.. And as usual attendance was poor..
Actually it seems to be defeating the purpose of why we make wednesday training a running session.. The purpose was to ensure that people in the team actually do clock some running mileage regularly. But it seems that only regular runners are turning up consistently instead of the people who the training is targeted at.. Haiz.. Maybe its just because our team has very few people, so when we have just a few souls missing, it feels like a big part of the team is not with us..
For today's run it seems quite difficult to keep up and I can hear myself breathing hard when i am running. It feels painful..
Hurhur, I am growing weak.. =( Boohooo.. And half way through the run, I can already feel that I am sweating abnormally much.. Actually not even half-way.. I have noticed that I am sweating a lot after the run from my home to Mac Ritchie and that is why I bought a can of H20 after I reached the shed.. And when we finished our run 1hour plus of run and went to the prata house, I had a puddle of water under my seat lor.. I think I lost more than 10% of the water in me lor..
But surprisely my lousy right knee was not giving me much a problem until the last 10 mins.. Haha.. Luckily..
After the run I went to buy a bottle of 1.5litres of sparkling H20 from NTUC and it only cost me like $1.40.. And I recall that I spend $1.20 on my 300ml of H20 in the vending machine at Mac Ritchie..
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Hurhur... I finally realise the troubles of living alone.. All the nitty gritty things are killing me.. Like when i wanted hot water for my maggie noodles, I just reached for the hot water jar for started pouring into my cup noodles to realise that the water is not hot anymore.. Hurhur.. After which I realised that I havent boil water for quite a while and the water in the normal jugs are running out.. Hurhur..
Besides that, I'm running out of groceries and I didnt notice.. I dont even have bread for breakfast now.. lol.. No eggs too..
As I mentioned, having my sis around is not any help at all.. hurhur.. She is not even packing the clothes that I washed and dryed for her.. And I refuse to do that for her too.. So hurhur.. ROAR!!
Training hasnt been that bad recently.. But my beloved partner has made her disappearance again.. Haizzzz.. And my knees are lousy.. Gross.. Actually I wonder if its psychological that it hurts.. Cos its weird.. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt and its not the kinda of sharp pain that I have to stop running or what.. The feeling is just like, the kneecap shouldnt feel this way.. I dunno how to explain.. Its some kinda of dull pain that is not really that painful..
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Blogger is still not entirely fine.. I still cant edit my template...
YAY!!! Blogger is finally back to normal.. WUhahahahah...
My mummy went to Indonesia.. All the housework is now up to me now.. So sianz..
I do not pin any hopes on my sister at all on this.. Hurhur.. But i am damn lazy... Lazy to mop the floor and to sweep it.. After all, my house is like practically empty for the whole day except for me at home.. And guess what, after training, I was like so guai.. I went to wash my muddy muddy sports shoe, and wash the clothes and pack up the clothes that was washed and when i wanted to slack I realise i didnt put detergent into the washing machine..
So smart right.. Hurhur.. Serve me right la, who ask me usually dont help out much.. I think for my mum, it ll be a habit to reach for detergent when she pour the clothes into the washing machine.. Hurhur.. I am so dumb..
And worse, after I got everything done, it started pouring.. Before that the weather is like so sunny.. Roar!!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
This is weird.. Blogger is still down but yet I still can put my posts.. Hahahahahahah....
I think i am a bit running crazy this few days for no reasons.. And i have no idea why.. Staying at home through the holidays together with training and going out with friends sound so uninteresting.. I mean its interesting to go out with friends but when you do it too often, there is nothing much to do anymore.. Hurhur..
My knees are getting strained from my runs.. I dont wanna any injury, so i have decided that I should stop running till it improves.. I hope it dont take long.. Hurhur.. Running today is gross.. With all the mud together with the slippery slopes, the loosen sands, the uneven rocks and the fallen branches, it makes it much worse.. I pity my shoes.. Booohoooooo...
I cut my hair... ITS DAMN SHORT NOW.. hurhur.. really really.. booohoooooooooo... yaaa i intended to get it so short, but i realised that this hair length dont seem to suit me at all.. I am depressed.. hurhur... I can like barely tie it with all of my fringes dropping down.. But I am quite glad that at least i can tie.. If not I will just cry lor..
I have been wanting to pack my room since after exams.. So untidy.. But the progress is damn slow.. I took one day to pack my wardrobe and I spend one day clearing all my notes and putting them away neatly and one day trying to clear two drawers.. -_-"" I am just slacking lor.. I spend 8 hours wandering off and 1 hour packing.. So inefficient.. Bleah.. <<-- The consequence of too much time to spend..
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Blogger has been down for many days.. But now its still down.. I'm just trying to see if it still works..
Anyways, womens champ just passed last weekend.. Overall, I am quite satisified with the results.. Especially with jasmine.. =) I can see that shumin improved a lot in the few weeks towards womens champ.. Lets go..
Holidays are here.. Damn free now.. Its like training in the morning, sleeping in the afternoon and slacking at night.. I'm too freeeeeeee..... ROAR.. Actually i think i will find a job.. Something that wont affect my training schedule.. And i also dont wanna work both weekends.. I dont mind if the pay is a bit low.. Cos by doing that i can earn money as well as waste my time..
Hurhur, but its quite hard to find this kinda of job.. Teaching tuition sounds good.. the pay is high and the hours are flexible.. But i dunno feel like getting a long-term job.. And its hard to find a good student.. Hurhur.. I hate to get those students who are forced to take tuition.. Cos they are not interested in learning. They are just taking it cos they have no other choice.
Have been training to train running recently.. I was amazed by the amount of sweat I can actually produce.. Wuhooooo.. lol... After the run I had with jen on monday, the pair of shorts is like dripping water lor.. Not like its a lot.. But still, its dripping.. lol