Monday, July 30, 2007
Back from tioman and certified an open water diver.. Yay..
The trip was quite tiring.. To me, it seemed very rushed cos the things that we do only is sleeping, eating and diving..
Diving is quite an experience and 18m is surprising deep.. I thought that 18m was v v shallow and its wrongggggg.. My main problem in diving will be to equalize the air spaces in my ear.. I think my right ear is blocked.. Boohooooo.. So whenever I descend, I will be worried if i can equalize my right ear.. Hurhur..
Other than that, not much problem and diving becomes easier through the trip.. Water in tioman is clear.. Though I heard that the better dive sites will be in indonesia.. But my instructor warned that if we wanna dive in indonesia, it will be good if we can dive more in malaysia before going there..
And yaaa trying to swim against the current even if its mild is damn hard.. Even with my fins and with a lot of effort, the most I can do is to remain at my original position and not move.. Hurhur.. Damn weak right..
Basically the trip is good, the instructors are good and the place is nice.. Recommended.. (Bluereef scuba) I give them 4 stars out of 5. The main reason why 1 star is missing is cos the instructor smokes and I cannot stand the smoke.. But other than that they are great.. They have a website.. If you are interested, you can go and find out.. =)

I brought my "he dun" along too.. =)

Moses wanting to compare.. Hurhur.. Just for fun of it..

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
I finally took a break from canoeing.. I always wanted to, but cannot bring myself to do it for some reason or another..
But currently I am having diving lessons and trying to clock mileage for running. But running alone is boring.. Anyone who wants to run and wants a buddy can see if i am free to run.. =)
Diving lessons are ok except for them being soooooooooooo colddddddddddddddddddd.. Hurhur, the wet suits doesnt really keep me warm and I was practically shivering while lessons are going on.. Another complain will be that the air we breathed from the oxygen tank.. Its super dry.. After a while, your throat will gets dry and scratchy.. With my half-recovering inflamed throat, it makes things worse..
But other than that, its quite fun.. To be able to stay underwater and breathing.. Swimming around with fins is definitely harder than it looks.. Besides that, the techniques taught are easier than they seem..
Diving seems quite dangerous actually.. The fear of not enough air for you to get out from the depth you are in, and the fear that your lungs will explode when you ascend.. Hmmmmm, *shivers down my spine*..
This seems more dangerous than cycling on the road..
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Finally NCC is over.. Stepped down.. Jia you weiling.. time to take a break off canoeing.. Running is next??? shrugs.. But now, its diving.. hahah..
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Finally its NCC.. After being so consistent in training for the holidays, except for the last 3 weeks of getting sick on and off..
First day of NCC is quite disastrous.. Events are just too near each other..
But the first day is over.. Hurray and I am super tired now.. Surviving today is definitely an achievement.. Hahah..
But it also shows how weak I am.. Hurhur..
Monday, July 16, 2007
Waaa.. 3 posts in a day.. haha..
Cos i was too bored today, i decided to go around reading blogs and I started linking everywhere and found some of my classmates blog.. And I wanted to link them.. But I havent asked them yet.. Hurhur.. But if i dont link now, prob i ll forget the address..
Actually I do realise that, most of the time when I link my friends, I didnt really ask.. Hurhur..
So, erm this post is to say sorry to those who actually mind me linking them without asking for permission..
Watching campus superstar.. This is the first time I watch the show cos usually monday nights are gym days.. The show is like how rush la.. Even the commercial is short lor.. Hurhur.. No judge comments too.. Which is quite weird..
There are some that really cannot make it.. Failing scores from the judges too.. I dunno what happen.. But some are really quite good.. Shawn is really impressive.. Haha.. Cute and can sing.. I like the cute girl too.. Haha.. Hui xian I think.. Hurhur, or am I bias to cuteness.. =p
And whats up with polyclinics man!!! ok la they are cheaper, but they suck.. All you do is to keep waiting..
When I reach there:
1) I got to do queue up for pre-registration.
2) I'm given a queue number and I have to wait for my registration.
3) After which is the wait for my consultation.
4) I was asked to take a blood test. I went to the blood test counter where the receptionist asks me to take another queue number.
(The queue is freaking long, i.e. I need to wait like 50 people just to register)
5) After its my turn, I got to lineup and wait again to draw blood.
6) After drawing blood, I need to wait for the blood test results.
7) When result is out, I got to sit outside the consultation room and wait again to see the same doctor that I have consulted to prescribe medicine.
8) After I am finally done, I need to go to the pharmacy and collect another queue number, and wait for another 20 odd people before I can collect my medicine.
In the end I spend like 4 and a half hours there.. If I really got dengue, I think I would have died even before the blood test results were interpreted..
I wanted to take a photo of the queue but i got stopped by the security saying its a government body and they are strict against anyone taking photo.. Argghhh.. How transparent lor.. Somemore, the drinks in the vending machine are all sold out and the number of people waiting is so much that there arent enough chairs for people to sit.. Imagine if you are down with a fever and you got to stand and wait for your turn.. -_-""
Annoyed patients and flustered receptionists.. The scene is quite chaotic. Quite a few aunties were so annoyed, they started making a lot of noise. But apparently there is no use.. It only made the receptionists job even harder..
I do think that there are many redundant procedures.. Like why cant I just do registration and do away with pre-registration. And why cant the doctor draw my blood and send to test instead of asking me to go everywhere and keep waiting just to get my blood drawn..
Other than that, the worse was
Hurhur.. Scared.. By the time I was out, I was like dizzy and my hands and legs are freezing cold. I almost puked lor.. Arghhh.. Yup I have a phobia of blood.. The sight or even the thought of it makes me uneasy.. Thats why when people talk about bloodly stuff, I will cover my ears and run away.. To people who like to tease me and keep talking about bloodly stuff, its really quite bad.. You all are damn bad to me lor.. Next time when you all do that, dont blame me if I puke at you..
Hurhur.. But luckily the nurse who drew blood for me treated me like a kid.. I think she can see that I am uneasy.. Thanks nurse..
But in the end, my rashes are unexplained.. So weird..
Saturday, July 14, 2007
38.7 degree. Dengue? Hope not.. Going to see a doc tmr if my temperature drop.. =(
What the hell is wrong with my immune system. After 2 episodes of gastricitis, now i'm down with fever again..
I think my immune system is freaking weak.. I have been taking vitamins and taking medicine, drinking a lot and sleeping a lot.. The only thing I didnt do is to stop training..
Yesterday night, I know I wasnt feeling all that well.. But then, in the morning I felt fine.. So I went for training, knowing that I'm not suppose to push hard, so i did the sets at about 70% intensity.. But still I'm down with a 38 degree fever.
But then haiz, I shouldnt have followed the program la.. But from what I said some time ago: If you wanna someone to set a program for you for training, you should respect the person's program and not, follow when you like it and dont follow when you dont like it.. Since I said that myself, I shouldnt be doing otherwise.. Shrugs..
Probably I shouldnt have done down for training at all.. But I would feel guilty.. Hurhur..
What is more screwed up is that some neighbour of mine seems to be reconstructing the house.. Freaking noisy and I cant get to sleep peacefully.. Pretty annoyed now.. Should have just gone to ziyang house to sleep lor.. But its damn far.. I would have died on the journey there..
Friday, July 13, 2007
Have been getting back some of my fitness. At least I am able to do a training program comprising of 1x 1000m and 6x 250m quite decently. However I haven been getting back my strength.. Still feeling quite weak, as in no strength to hold the water kind.. Hmm trying to get things back..
Helping out in National Schools somehow makes me feel old and feel like retiring from the scenes of canoeing.. Shrugs.. I dunno when that will occur.. But I have been quite sian diao recently..
I was reflecting back my one year of being a captain.. Many thoughts crossed my mind.. But overall, I didnt think I was a good one.. Basically a captain who did the bare minimum.. Haizzz.. I think it got to do with my character..
Monday, July 09, 2007
Finally recovering from the stupid stomach.. I think I took so long to recover cos of the useless medicine.. Taking it seems no difference from without it.. Especially the supposedly pain killer for my stomach, it doesnt work at all.. Hurhur..
But whatever!!! It is recovering.. =)
Finally able to do some proper training.. But then from the yesterday super short run, I seem to have lost all my strength.. The many days of plain porridge is the main culprit.. Time to build it back.. I hope 2 weeks is enough.. Lets go..
Nationals Schools this week.. In bedok.. -_-""" Why must they choose such a ulu place..
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
What the hell.. I'm sick again!!!!!!!
Its super frustrating.. My gastric sucks.. Its giving me pain again. It feels like I'm being stabbed.. But luckily the pain is periodic, but when the pain is there, its damn bad..
Went to see the doctor.. The doc didnt mention gastricitis.. He just commented that my gut got infected.. Probably cos I ate so raw/semi-raw food.. Which obviously I didnt.. Unless my mummy didnt cook her food properly..
I have been sleeping the whole of today.. My temp only went down after I took the medicine and it goes up after medicine lose effect.. Damn gross..
Whats wrong with me man!!!!!
Anyways.. Yesterday I watched Transformers.. I think it is quite nice.. I like Bumble Bee.. =) The animations are quite cool.. I wonder how long they took to make the film..
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
I am damn stupid.. I sprained my ankle again.. The same ankle.. And I was running on a flat ground and nobody was around me to trip me or anything.. It just happened that I also dont really know what happened.. I think its cos I never tighten my shoelaces enough and the shoe was loose and I landed slightly tilted????
Ya.. I know.. I am damn careless.. After learning how not to lose things, I have to learn how not to get injuried/sick.. So fed up with myself.. ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..
But I am quite amused at how the body system can over react in such an exaggerated way.. -_-"" I'm sure my ankle dont need the swell this much..
Normal ankle

swollen ankle -_-""

Monday, July 02, 2007
I think this is so funny.. A stupid joke..
It was getting a little crowded in Heaven, so God decided to change
the admittance policy. The new law was that, in order to get into
Heaven, you had to have a really bad day the day you died. The policy
would go into effect at noon the following day. So the next day at
12:01 the first person came to the gates of Heaven.
The angel at the gate, remembering about the new law, promptly told
the man, "Before I can let you in, I need you to tell me about the day
you died."
"No problem." said the man. "Well, for some time now, I've thought my
wife was having an affair. I believed that each day on her lunch hour,
she'd bring her lover home to our 25th floor apartment and have sex
with him. So today I was going to come home too and catch them. Well,
I got there and busted in and immediately began searching for this
guy. My wife was half-naked and yelling at me as I searched the entire
apartment. But, damn it, I couldn't find him! Just as I was going to
give up, I happened to glance out onto the balcony and noticed that
there was a man hanging off the edge by his fingertips! The nerve of
that guy to think he could hide from me! Well, I ran out there and
promptly stomped on his fingers until he fell to the ground.
But wouldn't you know it, he landed in some bushes that broke his fall
and he didn't die. This pissed me off even more, so in a rage I went
back inside to get the first thing I could get my hands on to throw at
him. And oddly enough, the first thing I could grab was the
refrigerator. I unplugged it, pushed it out onto the balcony and
heaved it over the side. It plummeted 25 stories and crushed him!
The excitement of the moment was so great that right after that I had
a heart attack and died almost instantly."
The angel sat back and though for a moment. Technically, the guy DID
have a bad day, and it was a crime of passion, so he announced, "OK,
Sir. Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven," and let him in.
A few seconds later the next guy came up. "OK, here's the rule. Before
I can let you in, I need to hear about the day you died."
"Sure thing" the man replied. "But you're not gonna believe this. I
was out on the balcony of my 26th floor apartment doing my daily
exercises when I got a little carried away and accidentally fell over
the side! Luckily however, I was able to catch myself by my fingertips
on the balcony directly beneath mine. When all of a sudden this crazy
man comes running out of his apartment and starts cussing and stomping
on my fingers! Well, of course I fell. I hit some trees and bushes on
the way down which broke my fall so I didn't die right away. As I'm
laying there face up on the ground, unable to move and in excruciating
pain, I see the man push his refrigerator, of all things, over the
ledge and it falls directly on top of me and kills me!"
The angel is quietly laughing to himself as the man finishes his
story. "I could get used to this new policy," he thinks to himself.
"Very well," the angel announces. "Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven,"
and he lets the man enter.
A few seconds later the third man in line comes up to the gate. "Tell
me about the day you died," said the angel.
"OK, picture this, " says the man. "I'm naked inside a
HMPH.. The stupid ziyang voted twice that my new blog is ugly.. And he is the only one who is voted that its ugly...
Ok anyways.. I need to comment about the race I had yesterday.. I got to thank everybody in the boat.. Including PY ong.. if not we couldnt have lasted the shouting throughout the course.. That was one of the most memorable race I had.. The first ever race that I teared.. The first ever race that I came out without the feeling that we MIGHT have done better.. Thank you girls for allowing me to have this experience.. I heart you all..
Later will be our annual general meeting.. I will be stepping down in less than 5 hours time.. I dunno how I should feel, but anyways thanks for making the last race that I lead so memorable..
PS: I am waiting for photos for the race.. Please someone pass it around.. =)