Thursday, August 30, 2007
Erm yup I think many people have noticed that I have been travelling to and fro tts like daily recently..
To those who are concerned, my dad is currently fine..
But he has one of his arteries clot again.. The doctor havent decide what to do with him.. Yup... and he hasnt done his neuro test for the head injury sustained during the accident.. So currently we will just wait...
But sorry to pyong for not training at all recently.. Kinda of too busy for that..
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Hmmmm.. I have really been down on my luck recently..
My lab today was supposed to be a short short lab that is suppose to done in 2 hours kinda of thing.. In the lab, we are suppose to put a solution to a autoclave to sterilise for 1 and a half hours.. We followed the exact instructions given by TA and place our solution and happily waited for 1 and a half an hour..
After 1 and a half hour, we went back to the get our solution to realise that it all leaked out into the machine.. -_-"".. The TA actually forgot to inform us to clip the end of the tubing.. hurhur.. Why didnt he remember like at the start or in the middle of the experiment.. In the end we became the first group that broke record and left the lab at 4 plus..
Have been kinda of busy recently.. Rushing everywhere.. Feel like I'm getting sick.. Better take care ba.. But luckily there are no side effects after the run.. No aches, no joint pains nor tendon pain.. =)
Hurhur.. I met aaron at tts today.. I didnt know they have their lessons there.. hurhur.. but singapore is so small................. like the full stop like that..
Monday, August 27, 2007
The tutor for cn3125 never appear again!!!!!!!!!!! waste my time!!!!!
Besides that my 3122 tutorial is flooded by people not suppose to be in my class and i have to sit on a chair and has no table to use..
And my lab... Hmmm I heard some bad stuff about something that I dont dare to say here..
Actually I am not really angry, but feeling a bit down cos things happening are just hmmm unexpected..
For somethings, the more effort you put in the worse it will get.. Probably, letting nature take its course is a better choice..
Sunday, August 26, 2007
My first army half marathon today..
The amount of crowd AHM drew was simply amazing.. I wonder if standard chartered is like that too.. Completing AHM was simpler than I thought.. I guess its probably cos of the sheer amount of the people running with me that got me so amazed to remember the pain???
Timing taken was about 2:15 according to the clock at the finishing line.. According to jen we finished 10k in 67mins.. The next 11k was done at about 6min per k, which I never thought I could have done..
Running was quite smooth without any pain on the joints or muscles until after the run when I tried to sit down, then I realise that my knees are aching..
After crossing the finish line, we were ushered to this place that is under the grandstand of the NDP parade.. The place was full of sweaty sweaty people.. The first time when I got into it, it was still fine, the second time I got into it (cos I forgot to return my championchip), the place got even more full.. The smelliness and the lack of fresh air almost killed me la.. I'm like, oh no, I am going to faint.. In the end, jen got to return the championchip for me while I went out for fresh air.. I felt much better outside but was chased in a few times by some NSmen.. I cannot imagine going in lor.. In the end I climbed over the barricade just to get out of the area that they kept chasing me off.. I found a spot to sit down and started puking.. Not a little, but a lot.. hurhur.. Thats the power of smelly guys as a group.. Hurhur..
No pictures for AHM.. booohooooo.. Next week is half-iron man.. Hahah.. I'm not taking part.. I'm not at the level.. But enpingy is.. Haha.. Jia you!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
oh yaaaa!!!!!!!!
I finally ordered my laptop after endless of fighting for the usage of computer with my sister.. We didnt really fight la.. Just that we both need to use.. And when I'm using when she needs it too, I feel super guilty.. But I need it too..
I ordered fujitsu S6410.. I wanted to get thinkpad T61 but then I have heard many bad comments about it.. The super noisy adapter(which a lot of them got recalled), the italian language after recovery, the off centered screen, etc. I guess thinkpads quality has really dropped after they sold their line to lenovo.. Some batches of thinkpad 61 series actually got recalled recently.. That shows the quality la.. On the other hand, fujitsu S6410 main complain is only regarding the dead pixels..
In order to get the lappy, I need to save up and borrow money from meh meh and my mummy lor.. and looking at people around me getting cars, hmmmmmm.. When can I get there man..
Have been really really busy this few days.. Can you imagine, 2nd week of school and I have already been sleeping less than 6 hours a day..
The main culprit is the lab report!!!! Cos the our group's trend is different from the TA said it should be.. I even tried to put in the results of the model lab report the TA gave us which trend is correct into my excel data sheet.. But with my calculations the trend is still opposite.. So i keep thinking that there are errors in my calculations..
But after many many many hours, i decided that there arent any errors.. And I'm positively sure my method is correct.. Except that approximation is done.. So my group seems to have decided to leave it as the supposedly wrong trend..
I'm suppose to go for gathering yesterday.. But in the end, I have to missed it entirely due to sudden changes in some unexpected event.. Was quite sad about it.. Haizzzz.. Finally, I can rest a bit and breath normally again..
Monday, August 20, 2007
I went for one tutorial where there are a few of us in the classroom today but the tutor never appear.. I waited for 15 mins and decided that the tutor probably forgot about the lesson, so i went off..
BUT then when I came home and deciding if I should complain, then I realise that the venue for the lesson is different from where I was.. I copied the venue off from cors when I won the balloting, and with the few people in my class, I have no doubt that i copy correctly.. They must have SECRETLY change the venue without sending any emails or announcements..
ARGHHHHH.. I am irritated by the start of schoolllllllllllllllllllll....... Boohooooooooooooo..
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I hate labs..... I used 2 days to figure out what the lab is asking me to do and how when i think i know, my results are all wrong.. When the trends are suppose to increase, it decreases, and when it is not suppose to vary, it gives me a nice decreasing slope of Rsquare = 1... -_-""
What am i going to do now...
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I got so tired in the afternoon that I went to sleep instead of doing my lab report as was planned.. And I woke up only when meh meh called my at 355pm, when training is suppose to be at 5pm.. Hurhur..
So in the end I did nothing!!! ROARRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr... Later when my sis comes back, I doubt I ll be able to use the comp anymore, cos I have been hogging it for the past 2 nights already.. =( I want to get a labtop.. Probably I will get it soon..
Btw, Coach gave me kit kat!!! My favourite.. Hahah..

From germany lei..
so sweet right..
I havent gotten any kit kats for so long, I forgot that I like kit kats already.. The last one I got was from py ong.. hahah.. =) *hint hint*
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I need to learn how to run!!!!
Me being so prone to injuries tell me that I am running with poor techniques..
I have checked out some website, but they are all too wordy, and I am too tired and restless to read them.. Probably some other time.. I still need to do my lab report.. I guess I will start doing tomorrow.. Yawnssss... School is so tiring..
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Second day of school and I am really feeling it already.. It feels like mid-term already.. With all the labs and tutorials..
Lab is boring as usual.. But this time, the lab TA is lousy and the lab manual doesnt have instructions.. -_-""
Current mood: Feeling anti-social.. and doesnt feel like mixing around..
Just feel like staying at home and away from everything..
Weird feeling.. hurhur..
Monday, August 13, 2007
My archilles tendon inflammation was confirmed by a chinese physician who is actually ziyang's aunt.. A Phd lei.. Waaaaa.. But she is really quite pro.. I cant even walk properly at all on wednesday and after the acupuncture and the medicine on thursday, I can walk without any difficulty this morning.. Hmmm.. Amazing speed of recovery.. Actually I think I can run too.. Hurhur.. =p
She actually told me not to run but walk.. -_-"" She says that it takes very long to have it recovered.. So apparently, meh meh has been trying to talk me out of AHM.. BOOHOOOO... My 25 bucks.. But then, I seem to have recovered in like 2 days.. Hahah.. shrugs..
I haven run since like 1 week ago.. Not really because of my cramps nor my inflamed tendon.. More because of my laziness.. But i still dont feel like doing anything about it since school is starting like today.. BOooohooooo...
Thursday, August 09, 2007
I haven been running for like 4 days after the 2 hour run and I dont feel like going for any runs now.. Getting quite sian of it.. I'm thinking if i am "san fen zhong re du" for running..
I woke up this morning with my upper heel pain.. And I cant even walk properly without pain.. And its weird, how could sleeping injure a tendon.. and it cant be from running 4 days ago.. From then till now, i really really did zero running.. Maybe I sleep walk? or even I sleep run??
I did some reading on the net.. The part that is painful is probably called the achilles tendon.. shrugs.. hurhur.. how how??
Monday, August 06, 2007
Life is becoming boring again. Almost the same old routine everyday.. Nothing much to look forward to.. And school is going to start again..
The idea of one whole bunch of kiasu student, packed tutorials sessions, rushing assignments and lab reports just turns the whole idea off..
Looking forward to next semester..
Hopefully can get a good company for industrial attachment..
Sunday, August 05, 2007
AHM in 3 weeks time..
In the past, I always wanted to run but end up with no motivation and laziness.. But now, just because I signed up for it, I am more discipline to go running on a more regular basis.. One long run a week.. Erm long run meaning 1 hour or more.. Erm my standard not that high enough as I just completed my first run that is beyong 2 hours..
2 hours 5 mins to be exact, from my house to esplanade and back.. But I had to wait for some traffic lights and I made a detour.. Quite proud of myself actually.. Hahah.. But then 2hour 5 mins is nothing compared to those who has completed the marathon and stuff but to me its a big big achievement.. and a big big step to running beyond 2 hours.. I have always wanted to, but didnt manage to for some reason or others..
But I do realise that long run is actually bad.. It spoils my knees and its quite boring and it is very very time consuming!! hurhur.. But then, on the other hand, there is just this sense of achievement after the run that makes you want to do it again.. Hahah..
AHM will be completed in more than 2 hours.. Prob 2 and a half hours or even more?? Hmmm I hope I will have enough training for it..
Friday, August 03, 2007
Please do not eat dolphins meat.. Its absolutely gross.. I thought the japanese were the most graceful people.. Known for being courteous.. But this suggests otherwise:
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Many people started asking me about what I have seen in diving.. Hahah..
Hmmm.. Actually I didnt see anything really exciting like sharks or stingrays.. But apparently there are sharks and stingrays there.. My other dive groups manage to see 3 stingrays.. Hurhur.. The corals are quite boring to me.. The most exciting animal I saw was a sea turtle and I only saw at the last minute in my last dive.. hahah..
Other than that, there are many sea urchins around.. Many edible fishes too, though i dunno what they are called, but i seen them being served.. Hurhur.. So cruel.. Its the first time I see them alive and swimming around with freedom.. I saw nemo too!! Saw some other clown fishes, barracudas, parrot fish, and something that resembles stonefish.. hahah.. i dunno if its really stonefish la..
And actually my instructor saw this huge jellyfish that was swimming ahead of us.. But i didnt get to see it.. Cos its quite hard to raise your head as the water ll rush into the mask if you do that without holding your mask down.. And cos the jellyfish is quite translucent, and with the light coming into the surface of the water, we cant really see it.. But my instructor said its this:

I dunno what its called, so i cant really find a decent picture of it.. But whoaaaaaaaaa.. I would want to see it.. Hurhur.. How sad that i missed it..
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
My hand is rotting...
My fingers are peeling like as though they were sunburnt.. Ziyang says it resembles his footrot..