Sunday, September 30, 2007
One week break just zoom passed. Wow so fast.. I have only went out twice, and they were brief.. Once is to get my laptop sleeve and the other time is to find calculators.. Boohoooooooooooooo... Its super pathetic.. No shopping, no gathering, no long running trips, no going out with friends, not even going out with maa maa.. and what happen to the sentosa trip which is in my initial plan..
Instead what I had is another episode of gastritis.. But I'm quite lucky that its quite mild.. Mild not in the sense that it is not painful, but in the sense thatI didnt had a fever and if I eat A LOT and I take antacid, it doesnt hurt that badly.. hurhur..
At this rate that I am going, my canoeing is going to suffer damn badly.. Inefficient studying = no time for canoeing = no time for running.. hurhur..
Anyway something that I have noticed and thought its quite interesting. For people who travel to school via AYE, before the exit to NUS, there is a signboard saying West Coast Hway.. When I saw it i thought it was quite funny. Is there such a road? Or they spell wrongly? Then one day, I asked mel, and on another day she came back to me saying that actually its cos the signboard is too short. It is suppose to by West Coast highway.. hahaha..
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I forgot to blog about my canker sore.
Boohooo.. I got a huge ulcer on my tongue.. Causing me not able to speak and eat properly.. Its really a nuisance and I read that since its viral infections, there is nothing much i can do but just wait for it to recover..
Its not the first time i got it but, it never irritate me less everytime.. Its just painful.. But probably I'm more tolerant now, I am trying to eat normal meals while enduring the pain it causes me instead of skipping meals.. Hmm also bcos i notice that i have a weak gastric.. Please please gastricitis leave and dont come back again..
I havent really expect my one week break to be so busy. I thought it will be a time for me to catch up with my work and clear the projects.. Besides that I thought i would have time for training and go out for one or two days..
I was wrong.. I couldnt even finish my projects.. They are taking much longer than I expect them to take.. Hysys is just terrible.. My group spend 5 hours just to come out with a working absorber with regenerative MEA.. Hurhur.. and that is just a small part of the project. At least its a good start i guess..
Feeling very tired now, and I havent been doing any running.. It just take a slight more effort to go and wear my running shoes, but i am too slack to even go and touch them..
But I do realise that for many things, just a slight more effort made, can make a person achieve much more..
Friday, September 21, 2007
Hmmm I have this thought that came to my mind and I thought I would like to blog about it. Probably its cos of the sudden news of my secondary school teacher who passed away. This is from an anime that I watched.. I have no idea why that it remains etched in my mind.
"Compared to us who live for hundreds of years, humans seem so trivial.
But they have the triviality because they have a limited time to live.
That allows them to work so hard. Thats why they are happy."
I like to keep myself busy. I find that in this way, I will be more efficient in getting things done. Its when I have limited time, that I will really go out to get things done. If not, I will have the mentality that it can be done at a later date and it will never be done.
Similarly, I paddled so hard in JC because I thought that I am not going to paddle after which. And for now, I am training cos I am thinking that I will never be able to do it so frequent when i go out to work.
Imagine if you live eternally. Will you still treasure what you are having now?
Humans has limited time. Limited time to live, limited childhood, limited youth, limited time to treasure the people beside us and more importantly we only live once.
It becomes scary when we do not realise that we have limited time. It makes people take things for granted and overlook what we are having.
An important question is: when these many many "limited time" is up, will you regret it and think that there are actually things that should be done?
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
work is piling high high high high up..
Oh man! hurhur feeling the heat while my brain is rebelling and refusing to work.. bad headache now. even after napping for 2 hours +..
3 3125assignments/projects, 1 4119project, 3 mid terms, 1 lab report to do in the recess week. not counting the tutorials.. hmmmm.. WOW...
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Had SAVA sprints today.. 2 bronzes for the girls. 1 plate and one 4th for mixed. Considering our fitness, I think our team made a good effort and put a good fight..
As for me I think that the process of racing is the most important, regardless of the results.. It has been a good and enjoyable one..
Even though I said that results are not important, haha but, who doesnt care.. I can only say we can do even better (i.e. improving our fitness).. =)
Life is full of uncertainty, unfairness, ups and downs.. One cannot always count luck to be with you and expect everything that is happening to be fair to you.. So we shouldnt let things bother us too much as long as we know that we have done what we could..
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Haven been sleeping well.. YAWNS..
Lab report and window vista sucks.
Monday, September 10, 2007
I'm suppose to be searching for a solution for my wireless connection for my laptop, but I am too tired.. The different models and different types.. Seriously I dont see much of a difference la... Hurhur.. Did the minimal research about the price and hopefully I dont get cheated by people again.. I think sales man/woman likes to cheat me.. Hurhur.. I look easily cheated? thinking of going to sim lim tmr..
Ok my laptop is here.. I am simply not really fascinated by it.. Windows vista is slow with lots of weird functions. A lot of problems in trying to install stuff, cos many hardwares dont have window vista's compatible driver.. hurhur.. or are all my hardwares too old... -_-"" whatever.. I am not used to microsoft 2007.. and i cant open the files i saved in the new laptop on my old one.. I think its cos of windows vista too... or the microsoft?? I have no idea.. Anyway, arghhhhhhh I dont like it.. I still prefer my old and sturdy IBM.. except for the low ram and low hard disk space... But i still like it..
like 5 years of relationship with it already..
Thursday, September 06, 2007
arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. I met mingyan's sister on the bus today and I mistook her for mingyan.. So maalllllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...
But they really look alike.. like identical lor.. hurhur.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
My labtop is taking forever to come.. arghhhhhhhhhhhh.. I'm damn bored now........................ :(
What the hell.. Just came out of the hospital and now the police came.. Hurhur..
Apparently some people complain about burning of incense outside the house and the HDB people came to complain, so he suspected that it was my neighbour and went over to spit??? I have no idea.. Didnt really ask him, but this is what i kinda of gathered..
But yes, its true that in the recent years, there has been lots of complains from the neighbours cos he likes to keep fishes and birds on the corridor.. No matter how he tries to keep it clean, complains still keep coming.. As in yi ren rang yi bu mah.. Why like that?? There is even one point of time that the HDB people say you HAVE to release all his pets.. I am like, whatever lor, need to kan jin sa jue meh.. That time it was his parrots that he kept quite long, and they even lay eggs in the nests my dad makes for them.. Releasing them not only meant the "death" of the eggs but also the parrots too cos they wont be able to find food out there..
and since it was only in the recent years that these happens and my that particular neighbour only moves in in recent years, my dad keeps suspecting her but keeps quiet.. Given his hot-tempered nature, who always gets him into fights, I'm not really surprised that he got himself into this.. hmmmmm.. Haiz...
Monday, September 03, 2007
Have been rather sian recently.. Dunno what is happening and dont feel like knowing what is happening.. Roarrr...
Havent been training much too.. My knees give me some pain in the v v cold LT.. hmmm i am getting old.. And my stupid nose is leaking.. It always gives me a false hope by allowing me to have some momentarily recovered state.. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Sunday, September 02, 2007
My Daddy is discharged from the hospital already and he seems to be very fine.. For example, I have no idea where he is now?? As usual.. He is back in hospital again.. arghhh..
Even though he is discharged, I still seem to be rushing around everywhere.. I really wonder why.. But thankfully, this weeks workout for school is surprisingly little..
I am slightly sunburnt from dunno what.. I havent been out in the sun lor..
Watched half iron man today.. Pretty amazed by the australian's female althetes.. Wowwwww... but i guess I will not take part in it.. The bikes are just too expensive and prob dangerous?? Though going at high speed is definitely quite fun.. (but provided that I can go at high speed) hurhur.. And my swimming also bu xing la..
Aiming for next year standard chartered if I have a chance to.. hmmmm.. =) See how la.. By then, got no more jen to run with me.. =( hurhur.. will you??
I need to go out to do some shopping.. Boohooooooo....... Cant find the time, and cant find the people.. ROARRrrrrrrrrrrrr..