Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I'm totally super sian diao with school now.. Mechanical project is shit la...
Its not that i dun wanna get started and do it properly.. But I really dunno what to do.. Finding from internet is useless because firstly, the project statement stated that internet sources as referencing is not allowed.. Secondly, there arent any relevant internet sources that I can find..
A stupid 4 lectures on mechanical design, asking me to a mechanical design project is really like shit la...
-_-"" whatever lor..
Super frustrated now.. Total waste of time..
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I just realised that my first paper is on 26th Nov.. That means i am left with less than one month to exam and here I am, who haven started on one design project, one lab presentation and one mini project and 2 assignments..
Sounds like last minute studying le.. boohoooooooooo.. and the first paper is design!!!!!! making us take the modules together with the year 4s are seriously a bad idea..
Friday, October 26, 2007
Kao! I think most of the people who experience cn3108 will feel this way.. Cos out of 5 people, the chances of meeting someone that you cannot work with is high..
But i am sure I am not the only one feeling this way around.. Hahah to all those like me: you have only one lab to go.. Jia you ba..
Sunday, October 21, 2007
I havent been uploading photo for v long le... I tried to upload more then blogger kept giving some error msgs. So i think thats all for now.
Thanks to all these people, who celebrated my birthday with me.. =)

President sports woman of the year =)

TEAM 63 (part of it) lol.. really wanna call ourselves team 63 la.. hurhur

Oiwing.. =) my bestie friend..

Yay, my NJ canoeing girls.. (part of it), and blogger dont let me upload the guys photo.. hurhur.. =( shrugs..

And last but not least.. My meh meh.. =) This is the restaurant he brought me to.. (senso)

Monday, October 15, 2007
I have unofficially retired from Team NUS canoeing team and officially joined Hysys team 63.. Have been madly doing hysys everyday.. really EVERYDAY lei.. other than attending lessons, traveling too and fro school, eating, its hysys hysys and hysys.. ARGHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh..
after hysys, we will go out with hysys team mates for dinner then go home.. or continue doing hysys.. Team bonding dinner, and gossips of everyone.. Hurhur.. but this one is much less physically straining, but much much more mentally straining.. Finals on tuesday.. Jia you jia you jia you..
Team 63 whoosh... Lol.. so lame..
Anyway this crystal pretty right?

Normally I am not a fancy of accessories nor crystals, but somehow, i think this tinker bell is so pretty.. Haha.. One of my present from meh meh.. haha.. =)
I have to thank everyone else who wished me happy birthday and for those who organise gatherings for me.. =) So grateful of your presence and your efforts.. =)
should be doing my tutorials now, but too mentally drained to do.. sianzz.. going for a run now. =p
21 years old already.. Ohh noo..
Life is getting harder.. Yawns.. I am tired..
Anyway I had a sweet birthday celebration.. Had dinner with meh meh in this italian restaurant called sesso.. I think the food there is very nice.. No doubt its very expensive too la.. But I do recommend it if your financial allows. lol.. =) but then haiz.. I dont really like the idea of people spending so much money on me.. It makes me feel bad..
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
So tiring.. BIG BIG YAWNS.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
My stomach finally got better. =)
The pain was really really bad yesterday.. And medicine dont really help, cos I kept puking.. I cant get the medicine down at all.. But after all the puking and when the medicine stayed in my stomach, it started getting better.. But i still decided to skip school today fearing that it might come back again..
Yup, so slack right.. with one of the lesson not webcasted.. Hurhur.. medicine is making me super drowsy, so in the afternoon i decided to not take it(risking the pain coming back =( ) so that i can try to get some studying done for my test tmr..
Hmmm, why am I blogging now?? bleah.. studying is quite boring.. yaa? lol
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
My stomach got really bad today.. I intended to skip training and my 1hour lecture in school so that i have a full day to study for my tests. But then I ended up lying down and trying to get to sleep for almost the entire of the day.. Its almost unbearable.. Antacid is not working too.. Feeling very weak now.. =(
I start having doubts if its gastritis. If it is then why is it worsening when I had every effort to eat proper meal and sought medication..