Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Have been unexcited about everything recently.. I cant seem to lift up my spirits.
I think I have been ignoring people again. hurhur.. sorry..
Have been extremely forgetful too... haizz
time to sleep.. Good night
Anyway thanks for the christmas gifts and the parties that were organized. =)
Thursday, December 27, 2007

I am tired!!
Though I have been sleeping at timings that people are considering very early (eg 2300) but I am still very tired.. I need more sleep..
My dad's choking with his own phglem seems to get worse. He even coughed out some blood yesterday. Today his face went all red and his body was shaking badly.. I hope this trend wont continue long, but the nurses say that they are not going to remove the tube on his throat soon.. =(
Thursday, December 20, 2007
i dunno if this is against the rules.
but maybe I ll suggest anything else except stuff toys. I have been kinda of flooded with them recently.. =p
I do like them, but i have been receiving so many that i dunno where to place them.. hurhur.. so went to my office table even..
My new stuff toy. I decided to call it the nameless. He will stay in ttsh to watch over my dad. =)

Anyway my dad seems much better today than previous few days.. He seems awake more often.. He even tried writing. But then his writing seems more like a drawing. hurhur.. Actually I do wonder whether he recognizes us, he knows what is going on and even what he is doing.. shrugs. I shall wait and see and pray for the best.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Saturday, December 15, 2007
oh ya I forgot. Gratz to weiling, belle for the bronze in k2. Irene, andrea, weiling and belle for another bronze in k4. =)
My fitness has dropped drastically as expected. My run to mac ritchie took 30mins instead of the usual 25 mins. And i died after 16k of paddling. Really died.. Butt pain plus no more strength. Furthermore the rest seems to be going faster and faster.. I guess its cos i'm getting slower and slower.. Hurhur.. In the end, I wanted to run back. But then after running like 200m, my legs seem to refuse to move anymore and i started walking all the way.. so slack right. lol, I guess i cant expect too much from myself with so little training too.
With the amount of training that I am going through now, there is no way that I can ever regain my fitness as was in the past. I guess I am really out of the competition scene now.. I upgrade myself to a lao lao already.
My appetite has been bad and I realised that I am skipping meals. arggghhhhhhhh.. If this continues I'm sure my gastricitis will be back sooner or later.. I must remember to find things to munch on!
Friday, December 14, 2007
I have been really busy and time passes so fast. It hasnt been an easy week, trying to adapt to my new workplace and trying to visit my dad as far as possible. I'm very glad that I have those cheery interns with me. They are a fun bunch of people and make my days much easier. I'm lucky to have a nice supervisor too. I cannot imagine myself having a naggy plus strict supervisor. It will really be a pain in my neck. But the ntu peeps are going to leave soon. I hope the nus people are as nice as them.
I havent been doing any sort of training for more than a month i guess. But I really couldnt find time. =( I will try to go down tmr. *i'll try resist the temptation of staying on in my bed tmr*
Anyway regarding my dad, I really dont see why he is out of ICU. He seems to be still in semi conscious state all the time. Besides he always seem to be choking in his own phlegm. Every time when his windpipe got blocked, he seems to need ALL his energy to cough it out. The worse is that when he coughs out his phlegm, the phlegm doesnt come out from his mouth but instead it will come out of the hole on this throat which they surgically opened to insert a tube in. And because the tube has a certain length, the phlegm gets stuck in the middle of the pipe most of the time. =( With him in this kind of condition but without the attention of the nurses in ICU, it really makes me worry quite a bit. Hopefully when I go down tmr, I can get to see the doctors and find out his condition to see what I can do about it.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Second day of work today. Its simply exhausting! Not because that I was too busy but the travelling time really really kills me. To get to Jurong east MRT, I will take about 1 hour 20mins. From Jurong east MRT to Jurong Island it takes about 40 mins. That makes it 4 hours a day of travelling. Which means in a 6 days I will spend 24 hours, equivalent to an entire day, travelling.

Jurong Island is an island full of ugly cylinders. They are a worse sight than the cranes and containers at ports which I thought was bad enough.
Other than scenery, the people in the company are generally quite friendly especially the NTU interns who were then since july. And I'm very glad that my upper study is a nice guy. I wanna thank him for being so patient cos I know I am a dumb student. There are many things that I do not have a single idea about. hurhur..
The people around me seems to be speaking a foreign language. A language called chem engine language. They spout cheem cheem words out so easily and fluently. Words that I seem to have read in the textbook that I do not understand and simply didnt try to understand. I wonder if I will be like that in the future. It just doesnt seem like its a language I will be able to speak in.
Other than the people, I quite amazed at the library and the control room. The library is a medium sized room about the size of a LT that contains a lot a lot of files. To look for a simple equippment data, you have to flip a few files to find out where the information located. The library doesnt look very neat actually, but at least its well organised.
Regarding the control room, its a dim place where you can see many green lights coming out from computer consoles. It kinda of reminds of the room in cartoon where aliens drive their space ships. haha. Its very tempting to go and press a few of the buttons and change a little thing here and there. =p But its no joke and I cant do it, cos you need a key to change every little thing.
Regarding my job, I have been doing tonnes of readings. hurhur.. It seems worse than studying bcos there is no one to teach me. I simply have to read myself and learn.
Anyway my dad is out of ICU. But personally, he doesnt seem like he is well enough to come out. Actually I will very much prefer him to remain in the ICU for a few more days. At least I know that he is in better hands. Cos when I look at the ward and nurses currently, it just doesnt seem very conducive and there seem to be too little nurses to attend to the amount of patients in the ward. Besides that the number of visitors walking around are simply too much. I wonder how my dad can rest properly like that. Besides that some of nurses doesnt even look like they are trustworthy. eeeeEEEEKK. If I have the money, I will definitely change him to a better ward.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
My dad woke up two days ago.
There are many times when I go to hospital wanting to visit him, but finding myself in the hospital not wanting to go to the ward. And when i'm in the ward already, I cant bear to look at him. It all seem to hurt too much.
Every time I visit him, I cant do anything except to stand there and watch. Tomorrow is his birthday, but I doubt I can do anything special for him too.
With him awake now, his every movement seems like a huge chore, even opening his right eye lid. Besides that we dont even know if he does recognize us. hopefully he does and finds comfort by knowing that we are there.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
I just wanna say sorry to those people whom I never call back when I have missed their calls. To those whose messages I never replied. I'm sorry..
When things are on the down-hill, I find it very hard to repeat myself (even once) what is happening. Sometimes I just hope I have a spokesperson who can speak for me cos I know my friends and relatives are concerned.. But everytime I repeat myself, it will be reminded of the downhill situation, so sometimes I might just ignore messages and refuse to pick up calls.. I'm sorry..
Current situation is that my dad is still unconcious. However, he is starting to move his right arm and leg le.. His condition is much much more stabilise although he is still in ICU. The doctor says that he is very lucky to be still alive.. About recovery, he will have a long way to go..
Yup.. At the very least he is improving.. =)