Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I took off to study for my HR exams. HR's theory doesnt seem difficult. But the past year paper is -_-". Actually I dont think the past year paper is difficult by itself if they are like 6 marks questions. But they are 25 marks questions.
I think the most I can write is about 6 points and keep elaborating on them. Some of the questions, I can at most think about 2 points lor when its a 25 mark question. how to survive the exams like that. Btw the total marks for the exam is 50. Meaning there will only be 2 questions.
Hai. that aside. I went for an interesting run today. hahah run cum testing of my new camera phone. Though its raining, but I didnt care. And bcos of the rain, there are a lot of snails crawling out.. hahah.
I didnt crush any, but I took a photo of all of them.. ahah
One of the snail

Looks like this road will lead me to the sky

Yellow morning glory, but cannot really see.. haha

Purple morning glory

At the end of the road

Me at the end of the road. haahahah

I realise one more thing good about running, it brings you to beautiful places where vehicles cant. though probably bikes can and they are faster. But i still prefer to run. =)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
meh meh was complaining about how I didnt blog about my new phone. So click here to see my new samsung g800.
Its quite big and bulky, but it still look nice.. I bought it from someone who used it for 1 month @ 400 bucks. No choice, no money + plan not up => buy 2nd hand phone.
I thought it was quite a reasonable price though. Since I didnt have a digi-cam, I wanted a phone with a good camera.. Thus I am fine with paying a bit more just to get a good cam phone. haha..
No problem lasting me for another 1 year till my phone plan expires. Probably it can last longer than that.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
my sony ericsson phone just died on me.. 12 months 14 days.. 2 weeks out of warranty. Free of scratches and dropped only a few times throughout the 1 year. I started suspecting whether the phone was set to fail after one year.. -_-"" cos it just suddenly failed out of no where. No like i dropped it, or left it in the rain or anything like this.
I send it for evaluation which cost me $10.70 and after which they said that the motherboard was spoiled. I need to pay a freaking 450bucks fix it. WTH..
Confirm buy new one la.. =( boohoooooo.... Starting to condemn sony ericsson phone. Maybe its time to change brand..