Thursday, August 28, 2008 When will I ever be less careless.. I really hate myself for it but just couldnt find a way to solve it..
I was in the computer lab yesterday doing some of my fyp readings.. Throughout the readings, I remind myself to take my thumbdrive before i leave. I even place my pencil box on the table, to remind myself that my thumbdrive is out (cos i usually put my thumbdrive there).
BUTTTT when i left, i forgot about it.. How did it happen? I dunno..
Recently, other than my thumbdrive, I misplaced my handphone and cashcard.. arrghhhhh..
Someone commented that I get over my lost things fast.. I dont think its true.. I will do all I can to recover it.. Even if I recover it, I will still keep blaming myself..
I feel that I am hopeless..
Hurhur.. 10:14
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 its sad to see my friends leave me.. one by one.. =( 22:16
Sunday, August 24, 2008 Meh meh is having so many problems with his canoe polo team that I cant help much too. The root cause to these problems is the different priorities of the individuals. Some people just treat polo as leisure while others are serious about it being a competitive sport..
From my point of view, canoe polo is a IVP team sport. For those who treat it leisurely, I just think that they are selfish.. Not appearing for training, not training hard, yet want to take part in IVP.. And they are thinking of winning some more.. worse off, the captain is one of them..
To all the people out there that are like that: I despise you!!
I think NJ has brought me up in such a way that such mindset are deeply rooted in me.. I'm sorry if I sound too extreme, but I do believe in it. 11:11
The most embarrassing run of my life.. hurhur..
Even when I put double protection, but both didnt work..
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay away from me during standard chartered!! 11:02
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 I just need to find the surface concentration of cytochrome c in the intermembrane space of mitochondria.. Why is this so difficult..
can someone just tell me the value.. argghhhhhh... 10:22
Saturday, August 16, 2008 Check this out. Its interesting. I found it when i got so bored waiting for gym to start in school.
Monday, August 11, 2008 I watched a documentary recently regarding fatal familial insomnia.. Its kinda of scary..
Its a genetic autosomal dominant disease. People who suffer from fatal familial insomnia suffers permanent sleeplessness. There are no treatments for it and sleeping pills doesn't work. The victim will first go through a stage of sleeplessness for about 4 months followed by hallucinations and panic attacks. Sleeping becomes impossible and victim becomes unresponsive to external stimuli. Death becomes just a matter of time.
Imagine if one of your relatives suffer from this disease. Will you dare to go for gene test to see if you have the gene of this disorder? 10:10
Sunday, August 10, 2008 SCHOOL IS STARTING!!!
Planning to do 6 modules.. Am i crazy??
Yes i think i am.. 22:36
Saturday, August 09, 2008 my mum has always been seeing people carrying ntuc bags around ttsh and she has been suspecting that there is a ntuc @ novena..
my sis and i have been insisting that there isn't one there.. BUTTTT i found it today.. It is secretly hiding in the corner at the top floor..
hahahahah.. so to people who visits that area: there is a ntuc on the top level!! 16:49
Friday, August 08, 2008 080808 doesnt seem that aupicious to me..
Wednesday, August 06, 2008 This is a lemon barley drink I got. But its weird. Look carefully and you will realise that lemon is not an ingredient of lemon barley. but in the picture, it does show both lemon and barley.. heh.. are they cheating our money
I saw fits for the first time.. its quite scary.. =( boohooooooooo 01:11
Friday, August 01, 2008 FYP reading is killing me!!!