Friday, October 31, 2008
I cant believe that I am saying this.
This is my most nua semester out of my 3+ years in the university.. Usually people think that the 4th year is the most hectic year.. But it doesnt feel so..
But when I look around me, all my friends seem to be very busy.. They are all complaining about how they have to go to lab 5 times a week and how they have to stay in lab for long hours.. And they make me feel like I am out of place..
Workload = 21MC.. Training of 5 times a week.. Such workload doesnt seem to be slack at all.. But ya it is.. With most of my tests and projects over, I seem to be left with very little things to do..
With spare time and little things to do, I nuaaa. I practically nua today and yesterday.. Doing like minimal stuff, watch tv, paddle and sleep.. Heh
I remember Mr yong once commented me.. When you have a important task to assign people to do, you should look for the busiest.. Cos he will get it done in the shortest amount of time.. I remembered this bcos I think it applies to me.. When I am busy, I get things done fast.. Efficient! But when I am slack, I will procrastinate like the date line never comes. I hate the feeling when I know I am suppose to do things when I am not.. (which is now)
I only have 3 modules left to clear for graduation, but I guess I will overload my next semester.. Take C++?? Hurhur.. I am crazy right??
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I wanted to copy and paste one whole paragraph of a website explaining nocturnal leg cramp here. But then I was reminded of the copyright law that was taught in engineering professionalism this morning.. From what I remember:(Infringement of the copyright law: reproduction or republication of some tangible material without the consent of the owner). And I also remember that he said that if you cant get away with it 99% of the time.. hurhur.. So i decided not to.. lol..
Actually the current lecturer is quite interesting. He is a lawyer and comes to lecture us on copyright, trademarks, registered design, patents, etc etc.. He is good.. Hahah I like..
Anyway back to my original intention of blogging. I have been suffering nocturnal leg cramps.. Boohooooooooo.. Its super painful.. But in the past, its so painful that I will tear.. When it is gone, I fall back asleep.. But now, I seem to be so used to it that I no longer tear with the pain.. lol..
I was reading about it. It was said that such night cramps affect elderly and late stages pregnant woman most.. I'M OLDDDDDDDDDDD.. Lack of minerals of dehydration..
I guess what is most relevant to me besides the fact that I am old is dehydration.. But people are already calling me 水桶 already.. How can a 水桶 be dehydrated.. lol.. But its true that I sweat a lot a lot la.. hmmm time to drink even more water.
Monday, October 27, 2008
My feet doesnt seem to get better. The pain is very sharp when I attempt to run for buses. hurhur.. and the pain seem to be shifting from the arc to the region near the heel.. Boohoooooooooooooooooooooooooo... Its weird cos I cant really pin point the area of pain by pressing my feet. Plus when I walk, its fine.. Its only certain angle at certain time, it ll be painful.. But when I run, I can barely pass 20 steps.. hurhurhurhur.. someone please save my feet!!!
Anyway, since I cant run, I went to paddle.. Luckily its public holiday and my sister is at home. Or else I cant run and I cant paddle.. That ll be how sad..
This morning is the first time I did program after a long long long long while.. I was quite scared that I will be dropped far far away from everyone.. I was glad and relieved that I am able to keep up with some people (with their washes).. =p
I miss the old training times.. But at least for now, I am still happy.. Bcos I have my training partners!! Jasmine for paddling and Jen for running!! and pyong as my K2 partner...
For me, no matter what sport I engage in, companionship is very very important. To be able to sustain in paddling and in running, till now, I got to thank all the people who have been training with me.. Especially my partners.. THANK YOU!!
~With loves.. =)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
With me calling and calling their hotline, and them promising me to get the PS branch to call me back again and again.. BUT THEY NEVER CALL ME BACK.. not even once..
ROARRRR.. no more samsung products..
I spend one whole day on my fyp with little results.. hmmm..
But i realised that fyp is my favorite module for this semester.. other than fyp and petrol refining, i kinda of dislike the other modules.. I thought I would enjoy cybercrime, but it turn out to be quite sian.. the first two lecturers are fine.. But after mid-term break, i dread going to cybercrime..
I have a test this coming tuesday on units operations but I have no motivation to study for it at all.. While waiting for my simulations result for fyp, i did attempt to flip through the lecture notes.. But its so boring.. Plus I dont seem to understand anything at all..
Hai... Sian
I am suspecting that I have injure my tendon at my arc of the feet.. =( To ensure that it doesnt get worse, I am going to take a rest from running.. Hopefully it recover fast..
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Today is my last day of being 21st..
It doesn't feel any different from any other day..
Bye bye 21 years old..
Actually I am now left with less than 30 mins.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
NO mood to study at all today..
slack slack slack
must as well go to sleep
good night everyone.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Nice song. I like.
传说 薛之谦
Thursday, October 02, 2008
In a really bad mood!

Frustrated with samsung service.
I sent my handphone for repair bcos of some keypad lighting issue. I send it on 20th September and didnt receive any news from them. I called them one week later and they gave me a direct number to PS service center. But PS service center doesnt pick up my call..
And eventually when I check my status online, they only assigned an engineer to the phone on 28th Sept. -_-"
Till now, they have yet to return me a call.. Arrggghhhhh.. ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.. Are all service centers like that?? I am wondering which has the best.. Probably I will get their phone in the future..
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
My children's day present!! from shi yao
How cute la... hahah.. actually got another real kit kat, but it got stolen and eaten by my sis.. haha
