Thursday, July 30, 2009
Pretty determined to stay fit while working..
But it seems the difficulty seems to overwhelm the determination.
I must stop thinking that way.. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE..
I must tell myself that it is really not that hard. and indeed it is not that hard.........
Jia you jia you.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I thought it would be good if i blog about my current work situation but I worry about divulging confidential information too.. cos the company is quite annal about such stuff..
Yup so i ll just briefly mention.. today is the first day that i went to JI since i started work.. gotta go there for site visit.. and guess what, the equipment that i need to see is on the tallest tower of the entire company.. bahhhhhhhh.. and to make things worse, i have to climb up like >20 flight of stairs with a super heavy safety boots.. hurhur..
but after i'm up there, the view is quite spectacular.. I can see almost all of the surrounding.. and since a lot of equipment are in their construction phase bcos a new plant is coming up, i can see a view that i normally cant see.. i.e. how often can you see the internals of a tank and how they actually go about fabricating it..
then again, i dont like to visit the site.. it's damn freaking hot.. it's not about the weather.. it's just there are a lot of reboiler la, steam la, air fin cooler around emitting hot air.. bahhhhhhhh.. but thankfully, i dont need to go the waste treatment area yet.. that area stinks.. believe it or not, it is worse than smelling ammonia..
Friday, July 24, 2009
I think I am very different from my sister in many ways.. But actually I notice that I am similar to her in some ways too..
I just had some "argument" with her.. Its not actually an argument, its just both of us trying to put our point across. and when we believe in something, we cant accept whatever others say and we forcefully try to get our point across.. but (prob) bcos we are both lousy at language, we cant get what we really want to say across, we end up feeling frustrated and upset and just stop talking..
But I have realised this problem of myself quite a while ago. its bad bcos i become very narrow minded and my tone i used in putting my point across isnt v nice too.. I've been trying to be receptive..
so during my "arguement" with her just now, I'm just trying to put up another side of the story to her.. but she become so protective of what her opinion that she started raising her voice and that kinda of piss me off.. hello, i'm not even saying that you are wrong, i'm just trying to say that probably there is another way to look at it..
but her act reminds me of myself.. I am probably still like that sometimes.. but I'll change. slowly.......
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I have always wanted to keep a ham ham as a pet.. But ever since my first ham ham (niao chi) died, I decided not to. The lifespan of a hamster is just too short and I get very upset when they have to leave...
Recently, I dunno y... the urge of keeping a ham ham is increasing.. hurhur.. But I'm not going to get one from the pets shop.. I always think that getting pets from pets shop is wrong.. i think its unethical to breed animals for selling/profit purposes..
so i have been looking out for people putting their hamsters for adoption. looking out for newly born winter whites.. haha.. so if you know of any, do tell me k... =)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I think I get adapted to environment slowly..
Working doesnt seem to be part of me..
I enjoy my weekend not bcos I have lots of fun.. More bcos I think I can be back to my normal self..
Adapting to uni life took about a year.. So i guess I'll give my job one year before I decide if this is the career path I am going to take..
Jia you..
Thursday, July 16, 2009
To all nokia users!!!
You all should try this..
This is great.. I wonder why they never make publicity about it.. bcos its in its beta phase??? heh but its since march 2008..
Seems like I have been missing out a lot due to unawareness..
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I threw my temper on someone today and that makes me reflect on myself quite a bit. I'm kinda of short tempered. And when I am pissed, I show it out loud.. But then 5 mins later, I'll forget about the incident..
This is bad and kinda of immature.. But I just cant seem to get out of it.. Ok, its just excuses. I just haven try hard enuff. Boohoo I have poor EQ..
Other than that, people has been commenting about my other shortcoming too.. Carelessness la, rough la, mei you xing xiang la, etc..
I really cant control my carelessness, but my roughness??? hehhhhh.. v rough meh..
Other things about myself that I find amusing about myself are:
1) I cry v easily
2) I cant stand being scolded (I just get pissed off, or I ll start crying. lol)
I passed by tpy when I am getting home today.. And I saw bega having SALESSSS.. I bought a few of my working blouses there so being curious I went to take a look.. and omg, the clothes that I bought are like HALF PRICE NOW... ROARRRRRRR
Bega is in my blacklist now.. Not going to buy anything from there anymore..
Currently on my wanting list is still the soft toy that I want to buy since long time ago.. But it costs like 80bucks... Haven had enuff impulse to buy such an expensive soft toy. 
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Started work for about a week.. Things are going alright. Colleagues are friendly and helpful..
Job scope is roughly like costing in design II. Except that this time its for real, not anyhow adding figures..
I left work early today and caught the shuttle bus that sends me to toa payoh.. I was so happy that I can reach home early for once.. But when I get to tpy, I realised that my wallet is locked in my cabinet back in my office..
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.. I couldnt go back and get it cos I do not have any money/ezlink card with me to travel back. Neither do I have money/ezlink card to go home..
So I called my mummy hoping that she will come and fetch me.. I was asking her if she could come to tpy or should I walk back.. and she decided for me that I should walk back.. Booooooooooooooooooooo.. it's >half an hour of walk lor..
Thursday, July 02, 2009
July is here and I have officially started work..
Had fun in my final holiday. Slacking, nua-ing, paddling and going out.. Enjoyed my final day of holiday especially..
I was hanging out with the F4s and I realized that if you go out with your close friends, you dont need to plan.. Somehow you will just find things to do and before you know it, its the end of the day and everyone has to go home.. So fun!! Lets do it again..
Seen a few of my nus chemical engineers during exxonmobil orientation. Yes only a few.. Seems like the job market is really really bad.. Boohoooo.. Seems like most people are jobless.. I am one of the super lucky ones around..
However orientation is daaaa boring.. and the heels are daaaaa painful.. hurhur.. I'm hoping that i can get used to it soon.. Orientation ended today, and tomorrow I am going to meet my supervisor and will be introduced to my job.. I dont have a good feeling about my job actually.. The title: Cost and Scheduling Engineer sounds stressful.. Must be some kind of job that is time sensitive and must reach there early and end late kinda of job..
Shrugs. Nothing is confirmed. *Pray Pray*