Sunday, August 30, 2009
I realized that my propensity to spend increase a lot after i start work..
But I kinda enjoy it.. Better food.. And when I shop, I wont keep calculating if I have enough to spend for the rest of the month..
My budget is sooooooo tight during school days that I never really had enough even for food. Movies and other entertainment are just luxuries that I can go for once in a while..
But nowww... If the amount is not big.. Like movie 10bucks, pasta 10bucks, starbucks 10 bucks.. I just spend w/o thinking..
Even then, I got prevent myself from overspending also la.. Not say just anyhow hui huo..
Adding to my meh meh's collection: =)

Monday, August 24, 2009
Can you believe it... my cramps was so bad that I cried during lunch... hurhur..
my eyes started turning red, then watery then teary and then water starts dripping out..
its so ma luuuuuuuuuuu..
my colleague thought i shi lian..
lol.. wuhahah
Friday, August 21, 2009
Just days after my sister extract her wisdom tooth, mine is giving me problemss. hah..
There is like a 1cm diameter of ulcer at the back of my mouth near with the wisdom tooth is..
My wisdom tooth is just starting to grow out of the gums and where the pointy region is, is where my big ulcer is..
I am thinking its cos my mouth tissue is not use to the pointy region that's why there is such a huge ulcer there..
Now I kai bu liao kou man.. lol.. not that bad la..
but according to my brief search online, it may be Pericoronitis.
Pericoronitis is defined as the inflammation of the soft tissues of varying severity around an erupting or partially erupted tooth with breach of the follicle.
The explanation is too cheem.. So i dunno whether it is.. argghh..
but its painfullllll.. Imagine a huge ulcer in your mouth.. hurhur..
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I almost had another leg cramp yesterday night in the sleep. But I woke up in time before it really starts.. So with my eyes closed, I'm like pulling the muscles back.. And the pain really went away before it gets full blown and I fall back asleep as if nothing happened.. lol..
leg cramps at night ~ symptoms for pregnancy
hahahah.. no la.. I went to research about it and its due to dehydration.. heh.. but yaa true, i remember i drank less than a bottle the previous day..
Yup drink more water!!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I was watching this ( a moment ago.. and wowwwwwww.. I realised that singapore actually got quite a fair bit of talent too.. haha.. but we kinda of play cheat a bit la.. we sent people with competition experience to there where they are really really new... like di ya.. i thought she is already preparing for album?? in this case, she shouldnt be pk-ing what..
anyway.. I want to warn everybody about this v v v v v v bad service at the mani/pedicure shop at far east top floor. its beside the toilet.. but i dunno the name.. their pedi is like 7 bucks and mani is 5 bucks.. NEVER NEVER GO THERE..
Its not about getting bad quality, if you go there to spend money, 你在花钱买罪受!I meant it.. The person was damn rude and she bad mouthed jen in front of me and she bad mouthed me in front of me... WTH.. and then she is v inpatient and v hack care..
I wont go there even if they pay me 10bucks lor.. Its really not worth it.. Everyone who reads this, tell all your friends not to go to the fareast-top-floor-beside-toilet mani/pedi cure stop..
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
maybe i am just pms-ing..
Within a transition phase of my life. Dunno what i want, dunno what to do..
I sleep early, and wake up early..
Breakfast, work, lunch, work, come home, dinner, dunno what to do, sleep.
I'm feeling w/o a purpose.. hurhur..
needa search for more joy and more motivation..
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
I went to the site yesterday again.. Again some more climbing to do.. I climb up to a tank which is prob about 20m tall in height.. and guess what, when I'm walking down, my leg started shivering..
and nope its not cos i'm afraid of heights, but its bcos my thighs are aching.. Oh mannnnnnnnn..
actually i really think that my quads shrunk like 20% since my last marathon.. hurhur... No wonder the ache come so easily..
I really need to run more man.. but it sometimes can get really tiring to make myself run..
how i wish i could work nearer home..
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Slept for 11 hours on Saturday and slept 10 hours today.. shuang..
But probably i should do some workout on weekends too..